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Donate to Civic Health Project

Inspired to help Civic Health Project deploy massively scalable solutions to America’s dangerous divisions? Please contribute to our work. Make an unrestricted donation, fund a specific project, or become a Civic Health Project sustaining partner.

By donating to Civic Health Project, you can play an outsized role in overcoming America’s dangerous political and social divisions, for the benefit of current and future generations. Civic Health Project’s strategic role in advancing America’s bridge-building movement ensures high return on every dollar contributed.

Civic Health Project is a fiscal project of Mediators Foundation, a 501c3 charitable organization.
All contributions to Civic Health Project are fully tax-deductible and DAF-eligible.

To Support Our Work:

Donate Online

All contributions to Civic Health Project are fully tax-deductible. You can make a one-time contribution here.

Donate By Mail

To donate by mail, please send a check to:

Civic Health Project c/o Mediators Foundation 2525 Arapahoe Ave Suite E-4 #509 Boulder, CO 80302 Tax ID: 04-3002588

Donate through your DAF

To give through your Donor Advised Fund on DAF Direct, click here.

Become a Partner

Feeling truly inspired to join Civic Health Project on our journey to reduce partisan animosity, foster social cohesion, and improve civil discourse in America? Please consider joining us as a sustaining partner. To learn more click here.

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